Better Hearing, Better Communication, Better Life
Through many years of scientific studies and world leading research in connection with the Center for Spoken Language Understanding (CSLU) at the Oregon Health & Science University, BioSpeech has gained deep expertise in what it takes to say or understand phonemes — the sounds that make up speech. Based on the insights we have gained, we are developing applications to help people fully participate in the conversations around them in the best way possible. Whether you have difficulty hearing in your native language or are learning foreign language, our technologies help your brain foster the connections it needs to make sense of it all. Using our software as a companion, you get there faster and you avoid having to unlearn expensive mistakes.
Improve Hearing
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Improve Language
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Improve Learning
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Highly Adaptive and Individualized
Our applications contain a highly adaptive training method using well tested scientific principles to provide you with a training path customized specifically for you and constantly adapting to your needs at the time. It helps you reach your goals efficiently and without waisting a minute.
Multimodal and Extensible
Our applications utilize multiple modalities to bring you maximum benefit and training speed. It automatically switches in lip-reading when needed and elevates levels of difficulty to keep you advancing.
Multi-language for Children and Adults
Our applications are effective for both children and adults. We support a growing list of languages and allow for cultural adaptation to enable a truly native training experience.