Better Hearing, Better Communication, Better Life
Through many years of world-leading research in connection with the Center for Spoken Language Understanding at Oregon Health & Science University, BioSpeech has gained an in-depth understanding of spoken language systems. We use our insights to drive the development of applications that enhance life for people of all abilities across the lifespan.
Our technologies help the brain foster the connections it needs to make sense of the world. Users reach their speaking and listening goals faster and with fewer mistakes, which means they have more time to do the things they love.
Adaptive and Individualized
Biospeech apps provide an explicitly customized and continuously adapting training path for the individual user. Users reach their goals efficiently and without wasting a minute.
Multimodal and Extensible
Our apps engage multiple modalities to bring maximum benefit to the user. Users remain interested and continue to advance as levels of difficulty and activities adjust to their learning needs.
Communication Skills Across the Lifespan
Biospeech apps are useful for both children and adults. Our apps have versions adapted to different learning experiences aimed at different ages.